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About Fraser Valley Invasive Species Society

Giant hogweed
Protecting Fraser Valley Biodiversity

The Fraser Valley Invasive Species Society is a non-profit society. Our mandate is to minimize the negative social, economic, and environmental impacts associated with invasive species. We achieve our mandate through coordination of land managers, education and outreach, and on the ground invasive plant management. Invasive species are considered to be one of the greatest threats to biodiversity world-wide, second only to habitat loss. Already introduced plant species represent 26% of the entire flora in British Columbia (BC Conservation Data Centre, Ministry of Environment, 2012). All citizens of British Columbia are affected by invasive species. Help preserve our natural heritage!

Priority Ranking of Invasive Plants

The Fraser Valley Invasive Species Society holds regular strategic planning sessions where we update the list of priority species for management that field season and identify high priority areas for invasive plant management. We currently have four categories for invasive plants:

Species not known to occur in the region but likely to establish if introduced. Watch for, and if found, eradicate.
Species known to occur in limited distribution and low density. Eradicate if found.
Established infestations found in portions of the region. Contain existing infestations and prevent spread to uninfested areas.
Established infestations common and widespread throughout the Fraser Valley. Focus control in high value areas and use biological control if available.

See All Invasive Plants

How we manage and control invasive plants


Invasive Plant
Management Methods

curly bracket
  1. Cultural Control (prevention)
  2. Mechanical Control (mowing, hand-pulling, cutting)
  3. Biological Control
  4. Chemical Control (herbicides)

Other Invasive Species

See All Other Invasive Species

News, press releases and articles

Chilliwack River Knotweed Walk

Chilliwack River Knotweed Walk

Join us for a walk along the Chilliwack River and learn about Invasive Knotweed! Saturday, August 3rd 10:00 - 12:00pm

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Fraser Valley Conservancy - Invasive Plants Workshop – Mission

Fraser Valley Conservancy - Invasive Plants Workshop – Mission

Fraser Valley Conservancy - Invasive Plants Workshop – Mission Jul 17 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

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Fraser Valley Conservancy Invasive Plants Workshop – Abbotsford

Fraser Valley Conservancy Invasive Plants Workshop – Abbotsford

Fraser Valley Conservancy Invasive Plants Workshop – Abbotsford Jul 13 @ 10:30 am - 1:00 pm

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