Purple Deadnettle

Purple Deadnettle
(Lamium purpureum )
Priority: - Control
Tags: Terrestrial
Identification and Reproduction
- Purple deadnettle is an annual or a biennial plant in the Lamiaceae (mint) family.
- It has square stems, fibrous roots, and typically do not exceed 30 cm.
- Leaves are opposite, oval-shaped, purple to lavender, and crowd near the top of the stem.
- The flowers are pink or reddish-purple with a whorl-like arrangement.
- The flowers are self-pollinating and usually bloom in the spring.
- The plant can re-grow from fragments of the roots or stem.
Habitat & Ecology
- This plant favours exposed open environments.
- Often found in meadows, forest edges, roadsides and gardens.
- Like many species in the mint family, purple deadnettle is an aggressive grower.
- Rapidly covers any available growing space and will steal nutrients and water from other vegetation.
Mechanical/Manual Control:
- Small infestations can easily be removed by hand pulling. Removed plants should be bagged and disposed of.
- Cutting plants prior to flowering will prevent further spread.
- Do not leave any plant fragments on site as these will re-establish.
- Sheet mulching is also effective - instructions can be found here.
Download the Garry Oak Ecosystem Recovery Team's Factsheet on Purple Dead-nettle here.
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