
Chilliwack Sloughs Aquatic Invasives Survey and Seed Pod Clipping
November 05, 2022
This summer we kayaked parts of the Chilliwack sloughs network to survey for aquatic invasive species and to clipping yellow flag iris seed pods!

FVISS 2019 Board of Directors
February 01, 2019
We have a new Board of Directors for 2019! Welcome to our new Chair, Vice-Chair, and two new Directors, and a big Thank you to our out-going 2018 Chair and Vice-Chair for all your hard work!

Yellow Flag Iris at Sweltzer Creek
September 24, 2018
On a cloudy day in September, FVISS, volunteers, and Parks Board staff installed benthic barriers in Sweltzer Creek at Cultus Lake to manage the infestation of Yellow Flag Iris.

Invasive Mussel Monitoring
August 01, 2018
Zebra and Quagga mussels are extremely damaging invasive species. We do not want them in the Fraser Valley!

Guidelines for Protecting Nesting Songbirds while Managing Himalayan Blackberry
March 22, 2017
I get a lot of questions from birders who want to manage Himalayan blackberry on their property, but who also don't want to destroy nesting habitat for songbirds.

Giant Hogweed - the Unfriendly Giant
April 15, 2016
Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) may be described as 'majestic', 'spectacular', and 'brobdingnagian'. (Okay, maybe not that last one - I just needed a more spectacular word than 'gigantic'). Indeed, giant hogweed is all of these things, and it is e