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Invasive Plant Management Contractors

Contractors (a hired business)

From the Integrated Pest Management Legislation, a valid pesticide licence is required to:

  • offer a service to apply most pesticides;
  • apply most pesticides on public land including local government lands; and
  • apply pesticides to landscaped areas on private land, including outside office buildings and other facilities.

Please see "Pesticides & Pest Management" for more information.

ONLY companies or practitioners with a valid Pesticide Licence and staff who are certified applicators (or working under a certified applicator) may apply herbicide on invasive plants located on public lands in British Columbia.

Here are a few things to consider about a pest control company before you hire them to apply pesticides on your property:

  • Do you have experience dealing with invasive plants?
  • Will you provide a free estimate and come to verify the identification of my plant?
  • Are you licensed to work in my municipality?
  • What methods will you use and when will I start to see plant damage/death?
  • Do you and your staff have the appropriate licences and permits to apply herbicide?
  • Does your price include follow-up visits and monitoring or just the initial treatment?
  • What is your success rate?
  • Can you provide a list of references who can verify your work?
  • How soon can you send someone?


Please see below a list of local Invasive Plant Management Contractors who have pesticide applicators on staff (by alphabetical order):


Fraser Valley

Drinkwater Environmental Services - 778-201-6711, 

Morrow Bioscience - 604-317-1413,

Redcedar Environmental Consulting - 604-621-9811,

Seven Generations Environmental Services

Western Weed Control - 604-462-0637,

White Star Property Services - 604-882-0075,


Metro Vancouver

Diamond Head Consulting - 604-733-4886,

Green Admiral Nature Restoration604-317-8903,


(Note that this list does not imply promotion or endorsements of these companies or their work - this list is only here as a resource for informational purposes only. If you are an invasive plant management company that has the required certification for noxious weed management and would like addition to this list, please contact