Sulphur Cinquefoil

Sulphur Cinquefoil
(Potentilla recta)
Priority: - Control
Tags: Agricultural | Terrestrial
Identification and Reproduction
- Sulphur cinquefoil is a perennial herb that grows from a woody taproot.
- Stems are erect and can reach up to 80 cm tall. The upper portion of the stem is branched and covered in hairs.
- Leaves are arranged alternately and attach to the stem on stalks. Leaves are palmate and divided into 6 or 7 individual leaflets. Each leaflet has toothed edges. Leaves decrease in size moving up the stem.
- Flowers will be found at the end of stems. Flowers are yellow and composed of 5 heart-shaped petals and 5 hairy green sepals.
- Reproduces by seed and vegetatively.
- Seeds can remain viable for up to 3 years.
- A single plant can produce over 1,600 seeds in a growing season.
- New shoots will emerge and spread from the woody root crown.
Habitat & Ecology
- Prefers partial to full sun exposure.
- Invades rocky or low-nutrient soils.
- Commonly found on pastures, fields, vacant lots, roadsides, railroads and other disturbed sites.
- Has an unpleasant taste to livestock.
- Its presence on pastures will decrease forage opportunities for grazers.
- Decreases plant biodiverstiy.
- Will disrupt natural food web by decreasing forage for wildlife.
Mechanical Control:
- Hand pulling can be effective on small infestations. Ensure that at least the first few inches of the root system is removed.
- Pulling and digging should be completed prior to seed set.
- Refrain from mowing plants as this will encourage growth and spread plant parts that will reestablish.
- Cultivation of the soil and then reseeding with grass species has been successful for larger populations.
Chemical Control:
- Herbicide treatments should be applied during the growing seasons; spring and early summer.
- Currently picloram, 2,4-D and aminopyralid are registered for use on sulphur cinquefoil.
- Please carefully read herbicide labels prior to application.
Download A Guide to Weeds in British Columbia for Sulphur Cinquefoil here.
Header photo (Matt Lavin).