Small and Spotted Touch-Me-Not

Small and Spotted Touch-Me-Not
(Impatiens parviflora/ Impatiens capensis)
Priority: - Control
Tags: Terrestrial
Identification and Reproduction
Identification (Small-touch-me-not):
- Also known as small-flowered jewelweed, is an annual flowering plant.
- It grows up to 60 cm in height, with a shallow root system.
- Its leaves have toothed edges and are alternate in arrangement.
- It has small pale yellow flowers, appearing like a pouch.
Identification (Spotted touch-me-not):
- Spotted touch-me-not, also known as orange jewelweed, grows between 0.6 to 1.5 m tall.
- Stems are weak, pale green and reddish, growing from shallow roots.
- Its leaves have toothed edges and are alternate in arrangement.
- Flowers grow in clusters of 1 to 3, they are cone shaped, composed of 3 sepals and 5 petals. Petals are dark orange with red or brown spots.
Reproduces by seed.
Touch-me-nots earn their name from ejecting their seeds from their seedpods when ripe.
Habitat & Ecology
Small touch-me-not:
- This plant is typically found in forestlands and forest edges. It invades forest edges, disturbed sites, edges of waterways, and prefers moist soil.
- Because of its small and inconspicuous form it has gone unnoticed and is much more widespread than thought.
Spotted touch-me-not:
- This plant grows in shady and wet areas.
- It is the most aggressive in fertile soil.
- Often occuring on woodlands, floodplains, swamps, seeps, fens and roadside ditches.
- Touch-me-nots can quickly disperse across the forest floor. This can effect forest regeneration.
- It crowds out native species and ultimately reduces biodiversity.
- Spotted jewelweed is able to hybridize with native Impatiens species
Mechanical/Manual Control:
- Since these plants have shallow root systems, they are fairly easy to hand pull. It is recommended to pull when soil is damp so roots will be removed as well.
- Avoid treatments during flowering stages. Any disruptions may cause seeds to disperse further around the site.
- Do not compost; dispose the plant properly at the landfill.
For more information check out the Washington State: Noxious Weed Control Board's page on Small-flowered Jewelweed here. Note this is a US resource and Canadian guidelines and regulations may differ. Be sure to read product labels carefully.
For more details on spotted touch-me-not check out the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board factsheet on Spotted Jewelweed here.
E-flora BC provides a good guide on how to properly identify small touch-me-not.
E-flora BC provides a good guide on how to properly identify spotted touch-me-not.
Header photo (Syrio).